D Journal October 2023
Stunning Stumpery Tour in the English Countryside https://youtu.be/r5Tk8vs5Qvk?si=5lA7qdQnBNXAFeET
via @YouTube @ChrisDucker
Importance of unwinding and learning something new from likeminded people
Learning from the Amazon gift card snafu https://seths.blog/2023/10/learning-from-the-amazon-gift-card-snafu/
@ThisIsSethsBlog online and offline brands big or small, must value customer relationships by keeping them informed in a consistent manner to avoid or alert any fraudulent attempts by scammers
Confusion and certainty https://seths.blog/2023/10/confusion-and-certainty/
And the access to information online can be a boon or a bane based on the choice one makes, of clearing the confusion or certainly maintaining it
How to Achieve Superhuman Levels of Focus with Nutritional Psychology | Entrepreneur @Benangel
Nutritional Psychology deals with how the food we eat affects or influences our conflictive functions and behaviour. It combines nutrition, psychology and neuroscience.
How to Control Your Brain for Optimal Functioning | Entrepreneur @Benangel
Entrepreneurial burnout leads to lack of focus and being resourceful hence leading to failure in achieving desired goals.
Sleep deprivation enhances negative thinking.
Exposure to sunlight to balance the circadian cycle. Exercising.
Optimise sleep
Get physical and mental stress under control
Apply nutritional psychology
5 Entrepreneurial Mindset Principles That Empower Financial Literacy | Entrepreneur
NYC Roommates Prank Diners With Fake Pop-Up Steak Restaurant | Entrepreneur
Solving invented problems https://seths.blog/2023/09/solving-invented-problems/
@ThisIsSethsBlog is like pushing off the solutions to actual real problems
A fast new technique for extracting lithium that uses less land – @springwise
Pureli to develop the technology and license it to vendors in the value chain.
Avoiding single-use plastic bottles in vending machines @springwise
Single use plastic is a major environmental issue, good to see Startups like Refilled bringing innovative solutions to tackle the issue. People should also adopt and change to sustainable habits and avoid the purchase of single use plastic items.
Smart packaging for internal logistics and supply chains – @springwise @LivingPackets
Packaging materials demand has increased dramatically over the years, and with the increase in e-commerce transactions, ensuring sustainable methods and reusable or recyclable packaging is a needed solution to reduce waste and encourage reuse and recycle.
Fooling ourselves https://seths.blog/2023/10/fooling-ourselves/
@ThisIsSethsBlog taking note of others ideas or advice can fool us. Just got to find the balance.
Ramón Méndez Galain: This country runs on 98 percent renewable energy @TEDTalks
Renewable energy sources to produce electricity is not only solving the climate problem by not using fossil fuels, but is also making electricity cost lower and more stable by being independent of fluctuations in energy commodities. Employing multiple renewable energy sources to generate electricity provides the benefit of flexibility. Uruguay has set a good example for other countries to follow.
An aircraft powered by liquid hydrogen – @springwise @H2FlyOfficial
Hydrogen fuel a clean fuel as it does not emit carbon dioxide like other fossil fuels and it has more energy content per unit of weight, hence increasing the range for aircraft’s. H2Fly a startup out of Germany is working on creating a hydrogen economy for the aviation industry.
Recycling silicon from solar panels for lithium-ion batteries – @springwise
Solar panel recycling for procuring silicon for use in Lithium ion batteries is recycling 2.0 as it is recycling in the clean economy.
A subscribe and recycle model for kids’ bicycles and toys – @springwise @mygroclub
Infants and Children outgrow toys, bicycles and such items over a year or two. Preventing these items from landfills and encouraging reuse via a subscription model is a sustainable solution. Gro Club is one such initiative.
Evenly distributed https://seths.blog/2023/10/evenly-distributed/ @ThisIsSethsBlog pandemic lessons
Whatever it takes’: students at 50 US high schools launch climate initiative | Climate crisis | The Guardian @guardian @OdeToOptimism
While politicians sitting indoors can deny climate issues and discourage or restrict any efforts towards climate education, students across US schools are building up a movement to pass laws that ensures preparedness against changing climate crisis.
Producing green hydrogen from plastic waste @springwise
AI helping children to develop their reading habit @springwise
Packing EV’s with power in terms of ride, range and also recharging @SleekEV @springwise
Nothing to ad https://seths.blog/2023/10/nothing-to-ad/ @ThisIsSethsBlog The new mantra is “if it has an ad to sell itself, it is bad”. Organic and word of mouth though hard, are still the best way to grow the business.
Tavares Strachan: The Encyclopedia of Invisibility — a home for lost stories @TEDTalks
Decoding Self-Serving Bias: A Spy’s Guide to Clear Thinking https://www.nirandfar.com/self-serving-bias/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=SocialWarfare via @nireyal
Self-serving bias is a habit of evaluating things in a way that protects on enhances one’s self image. One cannot control external forces, they will happen the way they have to no matter what, but what we can control is how we react to them. Blaming those external factors is like bargaining to protect oneself and not accepting the reality. Solutions appear when one stops bargaining and starts to accept the reality.
Paying Attention https://collabfund.com/blog/paying-attention/ via @collabfund @nirandfar
Information is either expiring or permanent. Most articles via email, blogs, newspaper, newfeeds, magazines etc…. are expiring. Information from books is permanent.
Breaking China’s solar dominance: How Borosil Renewables is looking to upend the solar glass supply chains
Protecting local industries is a very important job of the government. Most well established industries shut manufacturing their products as it was cheaper to source it from China, as the Chinese government provides huge subsidies, which lead to the product being cheaper than the product produced in the home country. Enforcing import duty and Anti dumping duties is a way to keep imports in control and make the local product competitive and the industry sustainable.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the man who foresaw the 2008 crash, has another prophecy on the cards
Is India’s infrastructure ready to be electrified?
EV sales growing over 100% year on year. Currently approximately hundred thousand units are being sold every year, and the projection is about 100 million units every year post 2030. With a few thousand charging stations currently, there definitely is a higher demand for the development in the EV charging infrastructure space, to be able to cater to the volume of EV’s post 20230. Public and private companies have recognised this and are making investments towards the development of EV charging infrastructure and also towards EV battery recycling,, government is laying down the rules towards developing the infrastructure and also towards the recycling of EV batteries. Core minerals of which lithium being the main are being imported currently, deposits of lithium found in various states are a positive sign towards lowering the battery cost as the mineral will be sourced locally, however this still at the research stage as the process of extracting and making it product ready is complex and yet to be mastered.
Existence equals Worthiness. Success or Failure everything at its existence is if worth in some way https://tinybuddha.com/blog/how-to-make-your-life-matter-even-if-it-lacks-purpose-and-direction/
Annie Rauwerda: The joy of learning random things on Wikipedia @TEDTalks
AI may be able to give our food a longer shelf life https://www.fastcompany.com/90970436/ai-may-be-able-to-give-our-food-a-longer-shelf-life
Interesting use of AI to help reduce food waste and ensure fresh food over a longer period of time. Viability of the project is a question, as it involves research investments, which then increase the cost of the foods. And then marketing it to the majority of the customers who are price sensitive, is another challenge, as most of them are looking at the price only and are not aware or are not interested of the other variables when it comes to buying daily food essentials. So while the investment is justified at an industrial level, the viability is questionable. If it turns into a successful model at the industrial level, then one can focus to research and produce solutions for end customers.
Converting air pollution into plant fertiliser – @springwise
Producing plant feeds from pollutants. Crop Intellect using innovative tech to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, by capturing it and converting the same to useful nitrate for plant feed.
Transferring company ownership to a trust before selling it saves one from tax burden on the sale proceeds @foundr
As entrepreneurs and or business owners one has to be aware of the options available to ensure that most or all of the proceeds from the sale of their business stays with them. Transferring ownership to a trust is one way to do that, as the sale proceeds from the sale are not taxable to the trust.
[Weekly funding roundup Oct 21-27] VC inflow remains positive during last week of October https://yourstory.com/2023/10/weekly-funding-roundup-oct-21-27-vc-inflow-remains-positive-october-last-week
While the stock markets have been in the negative during the week, the startup eco system has secured good funding deals for the week. The highlight of it being a public sector bank namely State Bank of India participating in the funding round in Ola Electric.
Lynette Pires, one of India’s first female brewers https://yourstory.com/ys-life/lynette-pires-female-brewer-ab-inbev-kiran-mazumdar-shaw
Inspiring to see women venturing into the brewing industry and also creating platforms to encourage and support fellow women brewers.
India-inspired art for the world: India Circus’ evolving design philosophy https://yourstory.com/ys-life/india-inspired-art-for-the-world-india-circus-evolving-design-philosophy
An interesting brand evolution story of India Circus, founded by designer Krsnaa Mehta. Starting with smaller pieces such as keychains, wallets, fridge magnets, fashion bags to now moving into home décor and dining, with the continued focus on designing things with the India inspired stories.
Using concrete to reduce CO2, @silicate_carbon @springwise
CO2 in the air is believed to react with rock particles on land or sea, the process is called Enhanced Weathering through which CO2 is converted into bicarbonate ions.
Speeding up research on Cultivated Meat, through the use of AI and ML @BioCraftPet @springwise
Lab grown meat or cultivated meat is a lengthy process due to long research and development cycles. BioCraft is using existing algorithms from the pharmaceutical industry to identify essential nutrient inputs that can enhance the biological process in the production of cultivated meat.
Confronting consciousness https://seths.blog/2023/10/confronting-consciousness/
@ThisIsSethsBlog the balance between knowing when to listen to the conscious and when to avoid it
Samhain ─ Inside the pagan traditions of Halloween’s ancient precursor https://www.optimistdaily.com/2023/10/samhain-%e2%94%80-inside-the-pagan-traditions-of-halloweens-ancient-precursor/
Interesting theory on the origins of Halloween, while in entrepreneurship we see ideas evolve, here we have an ancient tradition, ritual or custom totally evolved into something else.