Financial advice or rather any advice is easier said than done, but some simple strategies around saving and spending can result in financial independence sooner. Create a financial goal that you emotionally attach with, save for that goal first before spending on anything, ensure the savings are in a separate account, track spending and celebrate small milestones in your financial goals.
I Used to Live Paycheck to Paycheck, But Now I’m Planning to Retire in my 40s — Here are 5 Money Tips That Helped Me Do It | Entrepreneur
Choosing to run a small operation ensures higher quality customer service, attending emergency ticket items asap, create loyal customer and community relationships, and ultimately a successful business.
How Maryland’s Nature’s Friends Pursues Landscaping Excellence | Entrepreneur
The Sprouting Company https://www.thesproutingcompany.com/
Not Just Co https://notjust.co/
Spicewell https://spicewell.com/
Elevator pitches are all about timing, about getting all the information out with in the given time and grabbing interest of the investors to open the door to the board room. Next it’s important to know the category of fellow pitchers, cause if they are in a similar category and have already pitched, then that would mean fatigue to investors, hence preparation towards exciting the investors further despite the common industry as fellow pitchers is important.
How To Make The Perfect Elevator Pitch In 3 Steps | Elevator Pitch https://youtu.be/VgJgfuVeerc?si=r_0l8worIf44B3wz
via @YouTube
Fundamental and long term investing ensures wealth creation for the investor.
The Most Interesting Investor Who Ever Lived https://youtu.be/Ig1hi2ql-E8?si=TDKeSelNrnMWGeY3
via @YouTube
Tapping on a proven phenomenon, cricket. Fitness fusion of cricket and gymnasium.
This gym chain co-founded by Preity G Zinta and Shubman Gill aims to fuse cricket and fitness to drive wellness | YourStory
Automated charging pads for EV’s making it seem less https://springwise.com/innovation/mobility-transport/charging-evs-with-automated-charge-pads/
Mushroom Fibres ensures longer shelf life for food and reduction in spoilage or wastage https://springwise.com/innovation/food-drink/using-the-power-of-white-button-mushrooms-to-preserve-food/
How to Break into a New Market With No Leads and No References| Entrepreneur
Started a Business With $2K — Now It Pulls in Over $100M | Entrepreneur
3 Brain Hacks For When You Can’t Focus at Work | Entrepreneur
6 Career-Transforming Tips From Top Leaders and Entrepreneurs | Entrepreneur
The Right Way to Ask Someone for a Million Dollars, According to a Fundraiser Who Does It For a Living | Entrepreneur
Starting a Business and succeeding in getting a big name investor on board
He Started a Business — and Barbara Corcoran Invested $200K | Entrepreneur
Learning in August https://seths.blog/2024/08/learning-in-august/
@ThisIsSethsBlog true that learning creates possibilities
Sundie Seefried took her Company Public And Is Breaking The Stigma Of Cannabis Banking: http://eepurl.com/iUJjqY
Are you resisting the hard way? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-resisting-hard-way-joe-de-sena-0nuge on
@LinkedIn @joedesena
Proteins from Carbondiaoxide @springwise @NovoNutrientshttps://springwise.com/innovation/food-drink/using-microbes-to-make-protein-from-co2-emissions/,https://springwise.com/innovation/food-drink/using-microbes-to-make-protein-from-co2-emissions/
Big Tech v/s Baby Tech
Influencer v/s Contributor
High Sales Conversion + High Average Spend
5 Secret Steps The Ultra-Rich Take To Achieve Financial Successvia @forbeshttps://www.forbes.com/sites/melissahouston/2024/08/04/the-secrets-of-the-ultra-rich-steps-to-financial-success/,https://www.forbes.com/sites/melissahouston/2024/08/04/the-secrets-of-the-ultra-rich-steps-to-financial-success/
Strategies on building a coaching business that is unique, uses tech and automation, ensuring time and financial freedom
How To Keep Calm In A Chaotic World (Stoic Keys To Tranquility) https://youtu.be/wwv2mnRrHQ0?si=7xeKy3TVkyyDV_9w
via @YouTube
Hydrogen Fuel using aluminium from cans, sea water and caffeine@OdeToOptimism https://news.mit.edu/2024/recipe-for-zero-emissions-fuel-with-cans-seawater-caffeine-0725
Routines are Fragile… Try These 10 Stoic Practices Instead https://youtu.be/-VI7EyziPa4?si=9Eu_cWXQgMItcZoM
via @YouTube
Stirring a pot of gold: This biryani cloud kitchen grew its revenue 14X in 5 years | YourStory
Quote I am pondering today
“Optimism doesn’t mean that you are blind to the reality of the situation. It means that you remain motivated to seek a solution to whatever problems arise.”
How to Handle a Distracting Bosshttps://www.nirandfar.com/handling-a-distracting-boss/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=SocialWarfarevia @nireyal
Being best in everything we do is more important than giving our best. Being best automates giving best. We win in everything we do by being best. Being best precedes Giving best. @dailystoic
Check out Olympic Kickoff | Gold Medalist Dominique Dawes, Michael Phelps’ Coach Bob Bowman, and Basketball Icon George Raveling on Wondery @dailystoic https://wondery.com/shows/the-daily-stoic/episode/11074-olympic-kickoff-gold-medalist-dominique-dawes-michael-phelps-coach-bob-bowman-and-basketball/
Breaking Barriers And Building Billion-Dollar Empires: The Fascinating Journey of India’s AI Innovator : http://eepurl.com/iVSKlQ
12 (Stoic) Rules For Life https://youtu.be/EkPUOMeeQeY?si=sl190yGRiFMRLBtz
via @YouTube
Marketing has evolved with technological advances, but some old school marketing strategies still remain valid and reliable
Getting genuine feedback or participation from the audience requires one to directly ask for their genuine response or reaction
Managing a side hustle along with an existing full time business or job can be a good way to gain experience that can compliment in the full time roles
The rise and fall of easy money: How founders are bootstrapping new startups https://www.modernretail.co/operations/the-rise-and-fall-of-easy-money-how-founders-are-bootstrapping-new-startups/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=modernretailsiteshare&utm_source=twitter
Reviving tips for failed ideas, projects or businesses
Thinking Forks a full-stack R&D startup helps D2C brands build food products from scratch | YourStory @ThinkingForks
Remember the July 19 global computer outage? Turns out Microsoft made just one error. And it wasn’t something technical.
The hard parts (and the important parts) https://seths.blog/2024/08/the-hard-parts-and-the-important-parts/ @ThisIsSethsBlog focus on what’s important
BatX is contributing to a circular economy by unbundling used lithium-ion batteries | YourStory
Strategies to turn setbacks in to success
An Unfixed Mindset that allows one to choose the best option in a given situation in order to succeed
Doing things to feel happy v/s Happily doing things
Being comfortable with uncomfortability in situations, having high emotional quotient that is part of the right culture in the company and customer focus to ensure building successful companies
In defense of the hard parts https://seths.blog/2024/08/in-defense-of-the-hard-parts/
@ThisIsSethsBlog absolutely valuable to experience the hard work in the process of prioritising the important work
Clean Eco Friendly Cooking @springwise
Everyone has only one life, it is how one chooses to live it, that’s important. No matter your situation, it is how you choose to deal with it that matters. @dailystoic
Study Says Societies With the Least Money Are Some of the Happiest on Earth https://mymodernmet.com/low-income-societies-happier/
via @mymodernmet @OdeToOptimism
Kaizen philosophy : Small Actions + Consistency + Time = Significant Results
Ensuring reduction in wood waste by using it as a raw material across various industries @lignopure @springwise
AI Tech that manages efficient water usage in agriculture @SeabexOnline @springwise
The Deeper Meaning of ‘In the Beginning Was the Word’ by @DeepakChopra https://link.medium.com/lyPnHbT5bMb
Their Hearts Were Touched By Fire https://dailystoic.com/their-hearts-were-touched-by-fire/
via @dailystoic philosophy, stoicism the guiding light
Non-professional writers https://seths.blog/2024/08/non-professional-writers/
@ThisIsSethsBlog writing things down brings in clarity, but sometime writing clearly is also important
Ronnie Screwvala: Union Budget’s upskilling focus signals growth opportunity for edtech | YourStory
Strategic exit planning and patience are keys to success in India’s VC market: Blume to LPs | YourStory
Smart and Simple Strategies to Succeed in a Niche Industry
Conscious consumerism trends validate the importance of Purpose driven businesses
Deciding and acting upon what is right amongst the various choices or happenings now @dailystoic
Multimillion-Dollar Company CEO Shares Her Morning Routine | Entrepreneur
3 Key Strategies to Ground Yourself When You Start Questioning Your ‘Why’ | Entrepreneur
Our Brains Are Hardwired to Resist Change — Here’s How to Leverage Neuroscience to Embrace It Instead | Entrepreneur
The Placebo Effect – using thoughts and beliefs to get the desired results
Mobiles or smartphones as a science lab for students to learn and experiment
Nueroplasticity rewires your brain for a strong positive mindset
Focus on the process and enjoy the present, outcomes and future will unfold, but dont miss out on the gift of present
5C approach to Resolving Conflicts
The steep part of the mountain https://seths.blog/2024/08/the-steep-part-of-the-mountain/
@ThisIsSethsBlog Hard work precedes success, alphabetically and otherwise
Monetizing a blog beyond ad placements?”’ from #SideHustleSchool by @chrisguillebeau — https://sidehustleschool.com/episode/2789/
Only a business man can think like this. 👍🏻👌🏻
The standard problem with corporates and large organisations – “getting fixated in their ways”, “getting fixed in the box”, “inability in thinking dynamically”.
Reading is a First World Activity
Four Frameworks for Business and Life Success https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/four-frameworks-business-life-success-gary-vaynerchuk-mh2de on @LinkedIn