Notes April 2024


It’s a numbers game. What gets measured, gets done. Jargons and theories like this, play an important part in accomplishing goals. Goals are purpose driven, and it is important to stay focused on it. Getting carried away to get to the goal faster, with the influence external forces that are not in one’s control, may or may not be as satisfying compared to getting to the numbers from our internal guiding systems.   

Putting up the big numbers

 @ThisIsSethsBlog every goal has a purpose

Entrepreneurs wear many hats. This can be a good strategy when the business is small and bootstrapped. But once the business has got the traction and is growing, it becomes important to prioritise and delegate tasks to the specialists for the particular task. It may have cost attached to it, but in the long run it is more productive and hence profitable. In fact the cost of not delegating the non-core tasks can be higher, as it consumes ones time, hence limited time for the core tasks, hence drop in productivity and then profitability. Dropping of non-core tasks, frees up time to get better in the core tasks.

You Have To Major In Your Majors

 via @dailystoic

Climate change drives innovative ideas and businesses.

While individual heating and cooling systems result in emitting green house gases or carbon emissions, Exergo a start-up from Switzerland is working on district level heating and cooling systems that will use exiting carbon emissions from other sources.  

A new era of energy: district heating and cooling that uses CO2 – ⁦‪@springwise⁩

Nitrovolt, a Danish start-up has invented a Nitrolyzer system that farmers can install in their farms or greenhouses for the production of the required  nitrogen based fertilizer by using renewable sources and processes, thus reducing carbon emissions that result from the traditional methods of fertilizer production and transportation. 

Transforming agriculture with carbon-neutral ammonia production – ⁦‪@springwise⁩

Water runoff from irrigation for agriculture is a huge problem, that is being addressed by Treetoscope, and Israel based start-up that has developed an Irrigation Management Platform that enables farmers to know the water requirements of their crops and ensuring that supply.   

Sap flow sensors for smart water use – ⁦‪@springwise⁩

Elenor Mak founded Jilly Bing a doll company that represents the Asian Heritage, in disrupting the age old Toy industry that focused on producing and selling dolls and toys that resonated primarily with the western world. An interesting side hustle success story.      

Her ‘Shocking’ Discovery Led to a Side Hustle and Over $300k | ⁦‪@Entrepreneur⁩

The profile of a Chief Marketing Officer has come into much limelight over the last few years, with increasing trend of Direct To Consumer (DTC) brands, well informed demographics, thanks to the internet and smartphone adoption, the role of online influencers and celebrities that endorse the brands.

Is the CMO Extinct? Starbucks, Big Brands Ditching the Role | Entrepreneur

Selling what is validated and interesting is easy and doable by anyone. The challenge of selling something boring is quiet something and Tom Rinks has mastered this.

This Brand Whiz Shares How to Sell Boring Products That Nobody Likes | Entrepreneur–cKlp0VxR02pSQiGqspPUKq-QuRyUd4BUqu1dUItWfVfNqKlWk4M0leL17RUAQZrxWYh0C81nSxQk6sOuB_RNKY8fWyA&utm_content=300432613&utm_source=hs_email

Another side hustle success story of creating a business out of redesigned stanley cups.

Bedazzled Stanley Cup Side Hustle Earns Hundreds a Tumbler | ⁦‪@Entrepreneur⁩

An interesting video and lesson in Entrepreneurship. While aspiring entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs want to have a good idea, a good profitable, sustainable and successful business, it is important to start to do the things that will help one get that desired result. Remember, success is a journey, hence it is important to focus on the journey, and eventually the destination will have been arrived upon. Always, it is important to focus on action, on doing things.

“Prioritising the Act of Doing over Having”

Gone are the days of the ideology that Learning happens only at school. School is definitely the foundation, but the learning tower has many floors, and then the wider environment as well. Learning is everywhere in this digital age. Even if you are not fluent in a language, your smart phone can help you connect and or communicate with people in foreign lands in their local language, by using Lingo. The various social media platforms can be used to follow topics and people of interest to learn from. Games – outdoor or indoor and video games are also a source of learning. And ultimately Entrepreneurship is totally learning something new every single day. 


How video games can level up the way you learn (Kris Alexander | TED@DestinationCanada)  via @TEDTalks

Accountability is the best strategy to monitor or manage, performance or productivity.

The unexpected key to boosting your productivity (Dan Shipper | The Way We Work) via @TEDTalks


Interesting times to see the cost of education increasing by the year, while businesses and the employed doing average incomes. With an already existing student loan debt in trillion dollars in the US alone, it gets more interesting to see how the young decide their career paths, how the talent landscape shapes up in the US in the coming years.   

The sticker price to attend an Ivy League school next year is stretching past $90,000 via @wealth

Validation is important not just in ideas, but as much in relationships, be it at home or at work. Even if an idea is validating enough, it will not lead to success, if the teams involved don’t have validating relationships. Validation requires as understanding of the subject perspective first, than being judgemental.

Psychological and Physiological Power of Validation | Psychology Today

Navadhan Capital, a tech led financial platform for SME’s in the rural areas. 

Rural sector, set to be the next big opportunity for growth

The economic and business landscape has changed post the pandemic. While the funding frenzy noted in the pre pandemic era is not being witnessed anymore, funding is going to be available more meaningfully to entrepreneurs and start-ups that are solving problems around Diversity, ESG and impact investing, fintech and financial inclusion, digital health, Genome testing and precision medicine, remote and hybrid working tools, data security, Recycling and circular initiatives, Robotics and automation.                  

Money Meets Innovation: A Peek Into Start-up Investment Trends:

High performance electric motors to make aviation emission free @KiteMagnetics@springwise

Soundtherapy that helps protect coral reefs @springwise

Making solar energy accessible in Africa @springwise

From a negative bank balance to a six figure side hustle and then many more business opportunities @DixieBagley

Productivity tips for any writing projects and generally as well @Entrepreneur

Trader Joe’s accused of copying smaller brands 


Fear is a natural instinct in unknown situations. To become fearless, requires one to be prepared, to be ready, to know if not all at least some amount of awareness towards the external event or subject


Reviving the dwindling handloom sector, with DIY handloom kits for all age groups @raatai @RaataiHandloom

Making Solar power generation by incorporating the technology in existing infrastructure such as in window glasses. 

Climate change, global warming has resulted in increasing usage of air-conditioning to keep temperatures in cooler and in control whilst indoors. This further adds to the carbon emissions and hence worsening the effects of climate change. Modu architecture studio in collaboration with Transsolar a climate focused engineering firm, has developed self cooling walls that can maintain the indoor temperatures cooler and reducing or avoiding the usage of air-conditioning.  This Texas building has self-cooling walls @FastCompany @OdeToOptimism

Entrepreneurs deal with a lot on a day to day basis, and will often have situation that can get them angry over someone or something. This could further lead to a negative mindset and hence downtime, as the mind is disturbed and not focused. Some basic tips for bouncing back include taking a walk, apologising specifically and planning to better handle similar situation next time. 

Simple tips to bounce back from an angry emotional outburst @OdeToOptimism@SELFmagazine

Green Batteries by using Aloe Vera as an electrolyte @AloeEcell @springwise

Leveraging data fusion and machine learning to help companies reduce carbon emissions whilst sourcing their materials for their product or services @muir_ai@springwise

Ensuring good soil health by using peat free organic soil conditioners for agriculture @BeyondPeat @springwise

Brand building and maintaining the brand value is the key to becoming a strong brand company @Entrepreneur

Skill stacking – the most important practice to ensure adaptability to the changing economic scenarios for businesses and individuals @Entrepreneur


9 Stoic Tips For Beating Resistance (With Steven Pressfield and Ryan Hol… via @YouTube @dailystoic

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